Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Coming down the stretch

Since people are starting to wind down, I hope we can keep this blog going when school starts in the fall. Actually, I think most folks should have more time to post when school starts. I still have 2 1/2 weeks to go but I am worried I'm not going to able to finish everything on my "to-do" list. The last week I have been working on a possible A1 story (I probably just jinxed myself) but I won't know until tomorrow.

The buzz today at the Post has been the news coming from 8 Mile on the 3 way deal with the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News. Dean Singleton, who owns the Post, will now own the News under this new agreement. Interesting to see what layoffs or budget impact this deal will have on both papers but I am sure there are some uneasy folks at both papers.

I hope everyone posts at the end of the summer and gives a recap of their summer and what working at their papers was like...and include this link in your letters to the interns in '06.

Like a fat kid in dodgeball, I'm out.


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