Monday, June 20, 2005

My Turn

Considering it seems like the gentlemen have said their piece, I figure I should add some estrogen to this conversation.
It seems like the debate about journalists blogging has been haunting me since forever. Honestly I don't see what's wrong with a journalist writing their personal feelings about something. This is, of course, if it doesn't coincided with what their doing in the workplace.
Journalists are people, too, with issues, opinions, ideas, whatever else you want to call them. Not letting us be able to express them on our own time is just plain stupid. It's not like we go into the newsroom blatantly advertising our blogs. They're there for the sake of having a place to release anything running through our minds at the moment. And yes there is a pretty tight line journalists/bloggers walk each time they post because of what they might say, but I think if they're smart they wouldn't write anything that can get them fired or something of that nature.
I know at my paper it's already common knowledge that I do blog just because it was brought up during one of our brown bag lunches. Yes, we have those - our internship coordinator acts like the mother of the newsroom. Anyway, I already got some smack about that from other interns, but honestly, I don't think they really understand the world of blogging. Because if they did, they'd realize that xanga is not necessarily one of the most influential blogging outlets in cyberspace. So yeah, I may write about my views political, economic or social issues, but i'm not just limited to that. There are other things I'm interested in, too. And if the news organization I'm working with at the time has an issue with that, then so be it. I'll deal with what has to be dealt with.

Well, I guess that's my spiel on the issue.

In other news, I finally got a byline, and it was page one top of the fold. Yay! I actually feel like I'm one of you guys now. Damn that took a while. Oh well. I'd post the link but uhh you have to go through all this registering crap. So if you're interested in reading, I can just e-mail or im your the story or how you can get to it. Also, I know it's been practically a month since we've had training, and guess what I just did? Post the pictures! So if you're interested in catching a glimpse of what you looked like while we were in that computer lab, I highly recommend clicking right here.


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