Sunday, August 14, 2005

All over the place

Unlike many of you, I'm still at my paper and will be here till Wednesday. I still have a couple of things to take care of -- a series I've been working on for the past month and a financial aid story for a special issue for high school students. The next few days should be busy and fun.

Had to go into the newsroom today because I helped the sports people cover a baseball game. Yeah they just have me going everywhere. So far besides writing for the business section, I've been able to cover education and now did something for sports. I must say this internship was definitely an experience I never expected. It's been an interesting 10 weeks. I've learned so much from the people in the newsroom and just interviewing people on the street. And from what I've been reading from all of your posts, I didn't really have the "business writing internship" the rest of you had. It could be because of the size of the biz section of the paper or some other reasons. I don't know, but I'm glad the Times-News allowed me to kind of delve into things I'm interested in.

I guess this is the part where I start talking about what I'll be doing after the internship. Well, I'll be heading to Minneapolis for the AAJA conference for a few days. Then it's back to Jersey, and I cannot wait! I miss home as well as my friends and family; so it'll be great seeing them again. After two weeks of chillen at home, it's back to NYU, which should be a trip. Between people protesting the tuition hike at school and a benefit concert for CBGBs (a Village musical landmark), the WSN will definitely have a field day. Yep, so it'll be back to the school paper (under new management so it won't be that bad) and I found out recently that I got an internship at SPIN magazine for the fall. =D Fine it won't be the regular writing gig that I'd be doing at a newspaper, but I'll be at a music magazine. Being the music nut I am, it should be fun.

This summer has been great. I worked for a paper that puts out some great news by journalists who are good at what they do. I'll definitely miss it, more like the people not necessarily the place. The interns were cool, and I got to make a few friends along the way. So overall it's been a pretty sweet deal.

Well, I guess I've babbled long enough. I'm glad that all of you have done great at your papers. Yep I read them when I have down time, especially on a slow day. Like everyone else said, I do hope we keep the blog up, and we keep in touch.

Just remember whenever you're in New York, give me a call. Your "fearless leader" is always here to be of assistance.

Peace out, cubscouts!


Blogger Vandy said...

give me a call when you get back to NYU...i have been craveing Spice's lunch menu for months!

11:38 PM  
Blogger Vincent said...

good times.

8:55 PM  

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