Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'll go forwards, you go backwards, somewhere we will meet...

No, this isn't some optical illusion - I am actually posting to our blog. I'll own up to the fact right here and now that I have done a piss poor job of posting and/or keeping in touch in general. I all too often get trapped in my little bubble of school and the paper and forget that anything outside exists. But now that we are in the middle of another exciting internship season, my little bubble burst and I found myself unable to stoping wondering what my fellow DJNF alums are up to. It seems from the posts that I've read that everyone is doing well, keeping their heads up and praying that the internship gods will look kindly upon them. You all are some of the most talented and committed journalists I've met, so I've no doubt you'll end up with glorious positions. As for myself, I officially accepted an internship position with Bloomberg yesterday. It was one the hardest desicions I've made in a long time, but I think I made the right one. I think Bloomberg will give me the foundation I need to be a great business journalist, and though the hours are going to be long and my readers will primarily be investors and not the general public journalism serves, I still think it will be really great starting place. So that's the big news in the life of Millie these days and pretty much all I've got. I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to hearing where you all end up - and knowing how small this journalism world really is, here's hoping to working with you again someday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which Bloomberb bureau are you working at? I'll be interning at Reuters in NYC this summer.

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops meant Bloomberg*

9:35 PM  
Blogger Vandy said...

yeah NYC crew...i think we are up to 3 people now...ash, you're next.

10:07 AM  
Blogger millie said...

they haven't placed me in a bureau yet, but it's either nyc or dc.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

wow congrats ex-roomie!

4:24 PM  

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