Friday, June 24, 2005

Progress report

The fourth week is almost over. Time has sure been flying.
I have enjoyed my time here so far. Minneapolis is kind of a smaller, cleaner version of Chicago, which is interesting. It seems like the public transportation system is pretty good. You don't really need a car to get around, at least not if you're looking to go somewhere near the downtown area.
It's a cosy newsroom, maybe because the people are older. A lot of them are old enough to have a kid who's close to my age. But there are some younger (late 20s to early 30s) reporters around. Three of them are near me, and one other person is the assistant business editor I'm assigned to. So that's kind of cool.
The interns are pretty interesting, as well. But they all have recently graduated from school, or are pretty close to doing so. I'm the third youngest intern out of 13. Which creates some problems in terms of late night social gatherings. It's interesting to see what they talk about, especially in terms of what they're doing with their careers. Couple of them are interested in being hired full-time at the paper, one of them's going to Columbia Journalism School, and another one's got a one-year internship lined up with the St. Petersburg Times.
I have to say, this all feels a bit strange. Wearing dress pants and a collared shirt to work on weekdays, working from 9 to 6. And actually having people call me back.
Unfortunately, things have been a little slow, mostly because I've been working on more long term projects. Hopefully things pick up a little bit.
I miss the college atmosphere, more than anything. When I'm in Champaign, I can go out to the bars, sit around and talk over a glass of scotch/beer and a cigar. Not so much of that around here. And I miss being around people who are my age. Fuck, even kids who are a little younger.
And most of all, I miss the college paper newsroom. It's tiny, and it's got some shitty computers on a fucked up software network. But that's a lively newsroom full of people who are putting hours into something they won't even be paid minimum wage for. I don't need to join a fraternity. I've been in one since the second semester of Freshman year, when I started working as a reporter.
That and my guitar that I left behind at home. Need to retrieve it when I go home for July 4 weekend.


Blogger Adrian G. Uribarri said...

What glorious nostalgia...

4:00 PM  

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