I'm Beat
Okay so I don't know if your papers do this to you, but mine just loves sending me out to random and most times far places to cover things. I had to cover this lecture up in Chautauqua, N.Y. Yep, I had to drive to something at least an hour away in a Neon with faulty air conditioning and no power steering -- definitely not the most pleasant ride. And on top of that I missed a turn which caused me to drive in circles around northwestern New York state. So after two hours, a florist and a bunch of bikers, I finally found my way to the place. When I thought things were going good, I found out that the venue was about a half mile from my parking spot. I normally like the walk, but running that with only a minute to spare before it started. Anyway, I finally got to the place -- out of breathe and frazzled, but I got there. That's all that mattered. The talk was interesting --a little out there but what other lecture wouldn't. The Chautauqua Institution, which was apparently where Clinton "collected his thoughts" before the Presidential debates, was absolutely gorgeous. I definitely would love to spend a couple of weeks to relax over there. That was pretty much my day, and guess what? I get to do it all over again tomorrow. Well, I guess I should get to bed. Gotta make an early start. Wish me luck!
Good luck!
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