Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Return to the Root

On May 31, 2005, we started writing this blog to share our experiences with each other and the world. Our notes drew our eyes and others', and maybe they cast a bit of light on the oft-forbidding shadows of numbers among words.

As this blog passed its birthday, a new crop of interns took our places in newspapers across the country. Meanwhile, we took promising posts in more promising places.

I feel a particular nostalgia for our time together: Monday, I finished my first hours as a Dow Jones Newspaper Fund copy editing intern on the business desk of the San Francisco Chronicle.

Hoping to mirror the success of our 98 posts to date, I have invited a new set of DJNF colleagues to blog their experiences editing news, albeit not strictly business. The site is called Texas Chocolate Pie, named in part after the editing workshop's location, and you can find it at http://djnftexas.blogspot.com/.

It may not be as active as our blog was and could still be — appropriately, as editors mostly edit and writers mostly write — but please visit it now and then as an act of Fund camaraderie.

Meanwhile, I will continue to check this address for updates on your lives and careers, which have been more duly noted than mine. Rereading old posts, I'm so proud of all of you: so proud to be associated with such a bright, driven group and so proud to know how successful each of you will be.


Blogger Shafa said...

Flippin' sweet!

11:45 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

oh adrian...you're always on top of these things...

1:34 PM  

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