Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Vincent strikes again

The Daily Illini is in quite the pickle over something they recently did.

Editorial staff breaks ranks

Better yet, Vincent is in the thick it. Have a read of what Vincent said.

What our columnists think

Well done, Vincent.

Editor's Note: This post was modified to fit your screen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Full circle

I was looking back over my blog and I stumbled onto May 2005.

It made me a little sad that it wasn't going to happen again this year. To say that last summer was the best summer of my life would be to engage in understatement, and the best week of that summer was the week in NYC. So I guess you could say that was the best week of my life.

I'm not at all sad to hear what some of us are up to. Some really awesome internships are being had and I can't believe that I worked alongside you guys, simply because of how great you all are at this job or simply how awesome you are throughout the whole spectrum.

I don't know what I myself will be doing this summer. So far, it's looking like I'll be at the Louisville Courier-Journal. Either there or at a small-town Kentucky paper west of Louisville. I'm just not sure yet.

Either way, I'm proud that I had a chance to work with each and every one of you. I'd like to say a little bit of each and every one of you rubbed off on me, but I question that I'd be that lucky. I'll just leave it at the fact that we had some good memories and I will always smile when I think about that week.

I should stop being melancholy now. Everyone, take care.
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